The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil (H. Verlan Andersen)

The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil by H. Verlan AndersenAuthor: H. Verlan Andersen

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The prophets have predicted that in these last days the church of the Devil would completely cover the earth; have dominion among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people; entice everyone to belong to it except those few who belong to “the church of the Lamb of God;” overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; make war against the saints and slay them; and finally be the cause of the destruction of all nations. The majority of the people pay no attention to these scriptures because they don’t believe them. Satan’s success today is traceable to apathy and ignorance concerning him and his organization. The prophets have fully disclosed the identity of the Devil’s church and kingdom and the nature of his plan to destroy moral agency. 233pp. 978-0-9819527-0-3

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4 Responses to “The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil (H. Verlan Andersen)”

  • Avatar for LDSC kathryn Says:

    Do you have a source to purchase the updated version of H. VerlanAndersen’s book?

    ALSO can you put your hands on the quote by Pres. Benson in which he says the Lord will hold us accountable for our votes because it shows if we are on the side of the Lord or not. (in reference to the continued “War in Heaven” here on earth. Thank you.

  • Avatar for LDSC Ajayi Oladotun Says:

    I don’t believe that devil can steal the heart of most human being because God Almighty is a powerful Name gnat can move the mountain,and Devil himself know that God is above every other thing,Names or any other power and that that is why he failed while in He was in the Kingdom of Heaven with God,so if he can lost the battle in the Heaven definitely he has lost it on earth because the scripture has pointed it out that “whatever that is loose in Heaven is already loose on earth,and whatever that is binded on earth is already binded in Heaven too,therefore let us believe that there is no how Devil can ever triumph over God.

  • Avatar for LDSC Vicky jazz Says:

    No one know the particlela person who devil is, he can only win your soul if u give him an opportunity in to your life he can’t just come to you unless you give him chance in to your life.

  • Avatar for LDSC Charles Says:

    Bro. Anderson was a spiritual genius and made plain the words of Christ who spoke against the evils of our day. I intend to follow the counsel and to have a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit as my guide. It’s time to prepare and stand for righteous teachings and fight against that which is evil.

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