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The Perfect Law of Liberty - Marion G. Romney download  The Perfect Law of Liberty - Marion G. Romney
» 10.2 MiB - 4,518 hits
A talk on the perfect law of Liberty, freedom of the soul, the highest form of freedom. "Obedience to the law of Christ is liberty."

America 1776 to 1976 download  America 1776 to 1976
» 14.1 MiB - 7,769 hits
by Ernest Wilkinson. 1976.

America's Fate and Ultimate Destiny download  America's Fate and Ultimate Destiny
» 11.0 MiB - 4,793 hits
by Marion G. Romney. 1976. "Free agency has always had rough going, however. Over it the War in Heaven was fought. In the earth it has been abridged by almost all governments, civil and ecclesiastical. Apostate churchmen, kings, and other rulers have from the beginning arrogated judgment unto themselves. They have, contrary to God's law of liberty, preempted man's right, with or without his consent, to determine what would be best for them to do and by every means within their power have undertaken to force men to do their bidding."

Socialism and the United Order - Marion G. Romney download  Socialism and the United Order - Marion G. Romney
» 11.0 MiB - 16,335 hits
by Marion G. Romney. 1966. "No, brethren, socialism is not the United Order. However, notwithstanding my abhorrence of it, I am persuaded that socialism is the wave of the present and of the foreseeable future. It has already taken over or is contending for control in most nations."

Two Contending Forces download  Two Contending Forces
» 12.9 MiB - 6,581 hits
by David O. McKay. "There are two contending Forces. Those forces are known and have been designated by different terms throughout the ages. In the beginning they were known as Satan on the one hand, and Christ on the other. In these days, they are called "domination by the state," on one hand, "personal liberty," on the other."

O America, America download  O America, America
» 16.0 MiB - 3,688 hits
by Mark E. Petersen.

The Constitution - J. Reuben Clark Jr. download  The Constitution - J. Reuben Clark Jr.
» 8.5 MiB - 4,670 hits
by J. Reuben Clark, Jr. "In broad outline the Lord has declared through our Constitution his form for human government. Our own prophets have declared in our day the responsibility of the Elders of Zion in the preservation of the Constitution. We cannot, guiltless, escape that responsibility. We cannot be laggards, nor can we be deserters."

Preemptive War download  Preemptive War
» 1.8 MiB - 5,364 hits
by Hugh Nibley. He quotes Doctrines and teachings of the Book of Mormon that clearly clash with the preemptive war policy of the United States.

An Angel from on High download  An Angel from on High
» 8.8 MiB - 3,711 hits
by Gordon B. Hinckley. "Its narrative is a chronicle of nations long since gone. But in its descriptions of the problems of today's society, it is as current as the morning newspaper and much more definitive, inspired, and inspiring concerning the solutions of those problems."

There are 9 files, weighing 94.2 MiB with 57,429 hits in Other.