Download speeches from Ezra Taft Benson, W. Cleon Skousen and more. We also have recording of many of the liberty events we’ve organized or assisted with.
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Displaying 1 to 100 of 102 files. There are 102 files, weighing 5.3 GiB with 584,471 hits in total.Ezra Taft Benson
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God
» 18.2 MiB - 7,732 hits
Ezra Taft Benson said: "...we have not been using the Book of Mormon as we should. Our homes are not as strong unless we are using it to bring our children to Christ. Our families may be corrupted by worldly trends and teachings unless we know how to use the book to expose and combat the falsehoods in socialism, organic evolution, rationalism, humanism, etc..." Beware of Pride - Ezra Taft Benson
» 9.1 MiB - 7,933 hits
(Read in LDS General Conference by Gordon B. Hinckley). Pride results in secret combinations which are built up to get power, gain, and glory of the world... This fruit of the sin of pride, namely secret combinations, brought down both the Jaredite and the Nephite civilizations and has been and will yet be the cause of the fall of many nations...
Another face of pride is contention. Arguments, fights, unrighteous dominion... I Testify - Ezra Taft Benson
» 17.4 MiB - 6,787 hits
I testify that wickedness is rapidly expanding in every segment of our society... Secret combinations lusting for power, gain, and glory are flourishing. A secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing its evil influence and control over America and the entire world...
I testify that the church and kingdom of God is increasing in strength...
I testify that as the forces of evil increase under Lucifer’s leadership and as the forces of good increase under the leadership of Jesus Christ, there will be... The Book of Mormon Warns America - Ezra Taft Benson
» 16.2 MiB - 11,565 hits
An address given to the Brigham Young University studeny body. May 21, 1968. Subjects covered are communism, secret combinations, Vietnam war, freedom. Our Divine Constitution
» 29.3 MiB - 5,556 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "The Declaration of Independence affirmed the Founding Fathers belief and trust in God in these words: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." A Witness and a Warning
» 16.6 MiB - 5,652 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "We must awaken to "a sense of [our] awful situation, because of this secret combination which [is] among [us] (Ether 8:24)..." The Constitution - A Heavenly Banner
» 10.2 MiB - 6,759 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. 1986. "To understand the significance of the Constitution, we must first understand some basic, eternal principles. These principles have their beginning in the premortal councils of heaven. The first basic principle is agency..." Jesus Christ - Gifts and Expectations
» 12.5 MiB - 4,984 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "God has to work through mortals of varying degrees of spiritual progress. Sometimes he temporarily grants to men their unwise requests in order that they might learn from their own sad experiences. Some refer to this as the "Samuel principle." The children of Israel wanted a king like all the other nations. The prophet Samuel was displeased and prayed to the Lord about it. The Lord responded by saying, Samuel, "they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them." The Lord told Samuel to warn the people of the consequences if they had a king." A Hope and a Vision for the Youth of Zion
» 10.9 MiB - 14,643 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. BYU devotional, 1977. "To our Church members we say, Communism is not the United Order, and bears only the most superficial resemblance thereto. Communism is based upon intolerance and force, the United Order upon love and freedom of conscience and action. . . ." Stand Up for Freedom
» 20.6 MiB - 6,164 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "To the patriots I say this: Take that long eternal look. Stand up for freedom no matter what the cost. It can help to save your soul - and maybe your country." Freedom and Free Enterprise
» 24.5 MiB - 5,475 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "It is by vigilance by business people such as you represent who rely on our great inspired free enterprise system that our liberties will be maintained." Conspiracy Fact - Book of Mormon
» 1.8 MiB - 6,840 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "Now undoubtedly Moroni could have pointed out many factors that led to the destruction of the people, but notice how he singled out the secret combinations, just as the Church today could point out many threats to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God's work, but it has singled out the greatest threat as the godless conspiracy. There is no conspiracy theory in the Book of Mormon "it is a conspiracy fact." A Race Against Time
» 19.7 MiB - 5,452 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "The scriptures also tell about our inspired Constitution. If you accept these scriptures, you will automatically reject the counsel of men who depreciate our Constitution. If you use the scriptures as a guide, you know what the Book of Mormon has to say regarding murderous conspiracies in the last day and how we are to awake to our awful situation today (see Ether 8:18-25). I find certain elements in the Church do not like to read the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants so much - they have too much to say about freedom." The LDS Church and Politics
» 16.1 MiB - 24,189 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. 1952. Responsibilities of Citizenship
» 11.1 MiB - 4,450 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. 1954. "The Founding Fathers did not invent this priceless boon of individual freedom and respect for the dignity of man. That great gift to mankind sprang from the Creator and not from government. But the Founding Fathers with superb genius, I believe, welded together certain safeguards which we must always protect to the very limit if we would preserve and strengthen the blessings of freedom." The Proper Role of Government
» 39.9 MiB - 12,295 hits
by Ezra Taft Benson. "Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?"Meetings / Events Recordings
Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2024
» 156.1 MiB - 77 hits
Joel Skousen speaking to the Highland Group in Orem, Utah on October 4, 2024. A special World Affairs Brief. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2023
» 150.4 MiB - 1,361 hits
Joel Skousen spoke to the Highland Group in Lindon, Utah on December 1, 2023. A special World Affairs Brief. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2022
» 136.0 MiB - 1,327 hits
Joel Skousen speaking at the Highland Group meeting on December 2, 2022. Topics covered include: • Elections. • Trump vs. DeSantis. • Why religious support for the "Respect for Marriage act" is a trap • the illusion of religious liberty. • Russia / Ukraine is so frustratingly difficult • The Polarization of the world into two camps: the West vs the ever expanding BRICS under China • Timetable and triggers for WWIII and why the world may not ever recover from it. • Woke Corruption in the military • How to avoid getting depressed as you prepare for the worst. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2021
» 67.4 MiB - 2,074 hits
Joel Skousen speaking at the Highland Group meeting on December 3, 2021. Topics covered include:
- Cleon Skousen's book "The Naked Communist".
- Globalists (or Oligarchs) are really the ones in control, not the Communists.
- Globalists use Communism to break down the social order, to allow them to take control.
- Historians are "yes men".
- Cuban missile crisis.
- The Betrayal of Nicaragua.
- KSL used to be a conservative news station. No longer.
- Phony fall of the Soviet Union. Communist Party went underground.
- Phony war on terror. It was a deep state operation from beginning to end.
- Current events.
- Coming WW3. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2020
» 101.2 MiB - 1,563 hits
Joel Skousen speaking in Pleasant Grove, Utah on December 4, 2019 (to the Highland Group). Topics included: The Deep State, Covid false pandemic, 9-11 government cover-up, 2020 election vote fraud, dangers of vaccines, And more.. You can also watch this on YouTube: Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2019
» 94.1 MiB - 1,673 hits
Joel Skousen speaking to the Highland Group on December 6, 2019. Topics included: The World in Review for 2019; Trump Impeachment; The Deep State; Overview of Trump's record to date; The war on Donald Trump from the Deep State; And more.. You can also watch this on YouTube: Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2018
» 92.4 MiB - 3,922 hits
Joel Skousen speaking to the Highland Group on December 7, precisely 77 years after the "surprise" military strike by Japan on Pearl Harbor, discusses the REAL story. Also addressed various aspects of the Deep State, and ways we can prepare for the economic and political turbulence that lies ahead. Joel Skousen gave his annual "Big Picture" review of the past year, and his projections for when the big war is coming, and more. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2017
» 127.5 MiB - 4,542 hits
Joel Skousen, speaking to the Highland Group, gives a 2017 year-end analysis of what the Globalists are currently up to, Donald Trump, the economy and where things are going, the mainstream media, the Las Vegas shooting, and more. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2016
» 57.4 MiB - 5,339 hits
Joel Skousen, speaking to the Highland Group, gives a 2016 year-end analysis of what the Globalists are currently up to, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, the economy and where things are going, the mainstream media, the globalists, 2016 Presidential Election, rigged system, Iran, Isis
Kennedy and more. (2016 December 2) Kate Dalley - Fox News Radio Talk Show host
» 57.4 MiB - 6,251 hits
Recording of Kate Dalley speaking at the Highland Libery meeting. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2015
» 63.7 MiB - 6,354 hits
Joel Skousen, speaking to the Highland Group, gives a year-end analysis of what the Globalists are currently up to, the war situation in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East, the Islamic invasion of Europe and the United States, the coming election 2016, the economy and where things are going and much, much more. (2016 December 4) Larry Nichols - Whistle Blower
» 40.5 MiB - 5,494 hits
Partial recording of the Highland meeting with Larry Nichols, whistle blower who was deep inside the power structure of the political elite and who has basically risked it all to come out and expose the evil. Vaccine Freedom. Dr. Bryon Tarbet and Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Oct 2015.
» 81.6 MiB - 5,759 hits
Highland Liberty Meeting - October 2nd, 2015, in Orem, Utah. Introduction by Thomas Butler. Dr. Andrew Wakefield: "Feast of Consequences: Whistleblowing in the Public Interest". Dr. Bryon Tarbet presents his talk "Anatomy of a Medical Scientific Study: How to See Through the Smoke and Mirrors".
YouTube video links for this presentation:
Thomas Butler, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Bryon Tarbet 911 Update with Rebekah Roth. 9/11/2015.
» 74.3 MiB - 4,783 hits
Rebekah Roth speaks on new evidence about 9/11, from an industry insider with a unique perspective, who has tirelessly researched many of the "anomalies" associated with 9/11, arguably the most significant events thus far of the 21st century. (Highland Liberty Group - Orem, Utah, Septemper 11, 2015) Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2014
» 39.6 MiB - 7,821 hits
Joel Skousen speaking at the Highland Liberty group meeting in Orem, Utah. Topics: Global Secret Combinations (conspiracy), Ferguson, Conscience, etc. Dr. Jack Stockwell speaking at the Highland Group meeting. November 7, 2014
» 53.4 MiB - 5,480 hits
Dr. Jack Stockwell speaking at the Highland Group meeting. November 7, 2014 Michael Gaddy - Constitutional Convention of 1787 and its aftermath
» 48.1 MiB - 4,754 hits
September Highland Meeting (Sep 20, 2014): Retired Command Sergeant Major Michael Gaddy who is a thirty year veteran of the United States Army. In parallel to his Army service, Mr. Gaddy has spent the balance of his adult life studying the events leading to the American Revolution and, most especially, the ideological struggle which took place during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and its aftermath, the effects of which extend even to today. Ann Tracy - Dangers of Antidepressants
» 49.5 MiB - 5,304 hits
Highland Meeting (May 3, 2014): Ann Tracy speaking on epidemic of prescription Psychotropic drug usage in the US and how it is destroying so many individuals and families. You may not know that nearly every mass shooter in the past 15 years has been on these PRECRIPTION DRUGS. From Columbine to the Batman shooting in Aurora Colorado, from Fort Hood to Sandy Hook, they have all been on these mind control substances.
Also, Dale Williams gives an updated on the situation on the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. Larry Hilton - Highland Meeting - Gold, Collapse of Dollar
» 43.7 MiB - 4,440 hits
Highland Meeting (April 4, 2014): Larry Hilton speaking about the Coming Collapse of the Dollar and what you can do to protect yourself. The whys and hows of Going Gold — including tips on how to opt out of the insidious, stifling, inflation tax imposed on the citizenry by the very nature of the current, predominant monetary system. The End is Near w/ Tom Butler and Dan Campbell
» 62.8 MiB - 4,836 hits
Highland Meeting (March 7, 2014): Tom Butler and Dan Campbell. Topic: "The End is Near". Current events and how near we really may be to the collapse of the empire, the coming wars, the fiction we live under and who is behind it all. Also delving into false flag triggers, cognitive dissonance and the blue print that is laid out in scripture that many of us, and most of the sleeping sheep are not aware of. Jack Monnett - Education and the LDS Church
» 22.3 MiB - 5,204 hits
Jack Monnett speaks on Education from an LDS Perspective, history of education in the LDS Church, Church schools, homeschool, etc. Hans Andersen - Moral Basis of Local Government
» 22.8 MiB - 5,046 hits
Hans Verlan Andersen, Jr. speaking on the moral basis of local government and being involved at the city level. Relates some of his experiences as a member of the Orem City Council. January 24, 2014. Scott Bradley - Education & Secret Combinations
» 60.4 MiB - 5,273 hits
Scott Bradley speaking on an LDS perspective on Secret Combinations and then LDS perspective on Education. Gun Control, Obamacare - Sheriff Richard Mack & Joe Wolverton
» 42.6 MiB - 4,723 hits
Sheriff Richard Mack and Joe Wolverton speaking on state efforts to nullify gun control and Obamacare. The event was sponsored by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). January 4, 2014. Senator Stuart Reid, Gayle Ruzicka - GLBT Agenda
» 35.0 MiB - 4,177 hits
Senator Stuart Reid and Eagle Forum's Gayle Ruzicka speak about the non-Discrimination bill and the GLBT Agenda. January 3, 2014. Secret Combinations - Scott Bradley - Liberty class #3
» 51.7 MiB - 5,073 hits
Scott Bradley speaking about Secret Combinations (conspiracy) from the Book of Mormon and in modern times. Secret Combinations - Ken Bowers - Liberty class #3
» 14.4 MiB - 4,321 hits
Ken Bowers speaking about Secret Combinations at the Ezra Taft Benson Society Liberty class. Scott Bradley - Principles of Just War - Liberty class #2
» 56.5 MiB - 4,220 hits
Scott Bradley discsuses the principles relating to war, using the Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and teachings of LDS Church leaders. Hans Verlan Andersen - The Moral Basis of Government - Liberty class #2
» 13.2 MiB - 3,732 hits
Hans Verlan Andersen Jr. discusses the Moral Basis of a Free Society and Local Government at the Liberty series in Highland Utah. He also discusses what you can do within your own local city government and city council. Scott Bradley - LDS Liberty education series #1
» 63.0 MiB - 4,718 hits
Scott Bradley speaking on the establishment of the United States with the foundation of the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as the essential prelude to the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Also, an intro by Mark Porter reviewing his personal experience meeting with Elder Ezra Taft Benson and more. Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) in Utah - Ken Bowers
» 69.1 MiB - 5,324 hits
The subject of this meeting was SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) in Utah. Author and Lecturer Ken Bowers presented and was joined by a lady who was subjected to SRA in her life. There was also a panel discussion including others who have been involved to one degree or another. Amonth other things, the Memo from Elder Glenn Pace, and MK Ultra, was discussed. Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2013
» 58.3 MiB - 17,231 hits
Joel Skousen speaks to the Highland Group about the latest on the globalist war agenda for Syria and Iran. False flags. What are our chances of turning around this country and waking the people up? Advice on how to prepare for what's coming. Panel Discussion on 9/11, Syria, War, False Flags
» 49.1 MiB - 4,793 hits
Panel Discussion on 9/11, Syria, War, False Flags with Dr. Jack Monnett, Author and researcher, Dale Williams, Radio talk show host and investigative reporter, Joe Williamsen, former Air Force Nuclear Weapons Officer and avid researcher, Dan Campbell, Author and business owner. Denver Snuffer - Constitutional Apostasy
» 29.1 MiB - 6,696 hits
2013, June 7 - Denver Snuffer speaking on: Constitutional Apostasy: How our original inspired Constitution has become compromised by the neglect, ambition and ignorance of those who inherited a Divinely inspired original pattern. The Forgotten Earth and Her Hidden People - Abe Day
» 30.8 MiB - 7,153 hits
A presentation about the Hollow Earth, Living Earth, the Lost Ten Tribes and more.. Anthony Larson - Electric Universe / Plasma Theory
» 34.0 MiB - 4,489 hits
Ancient Planetary History, Cutting Edge Science and the Restored Gospel: Plasma Physics & the Electric Universe. Two Churches Only - by D. Christian Markham
» 61.4 MiB - 5,806 hits
A critical exposé of ancient and modern deceptions, hidden agendas, and overlooked truths. Dr. Rollins - Young Earth Creation
» 48.3 MiB - 4,426 hits
Dr. Ronald Rollins spoke about how the earth may be much younger than the evolutionist crowd wants it to be. Understanding how widely accepted evolutionists beliefs conflict with solid scientific evidences is important as we sort through the propaganda of our day. This is a great opportunity to learn "the other side of the story." Joel Skousen - Year End Analysis 2012
» 112.5 MiB - 8,157 hits
Audio recording of a presentation given by Joel Skousen to the Highland Group on November 2nd 2012. Some of the topics he spoke about are war with Iran, Emergency Preparedness (Hurricane Sandy), real vs. bogus threats/conspiraces being spread on the internet, the world super-powers, Secret Combinations, World War III, Gadianton Robbers, being spiritually prepared, the 2012 election, Mitt Romney, and more. Dr. Steven Jones - Alternative/Free Energy Research
» 118.3 MiB - 3,953 hits
Steve Jones talking about alternative energy research and projects. Jack Monnett speaking on EMP attack scenario and new book "When the Lights Went Out"
» 49.4 MiB - 7,033 hits
Presented in Highland, Utah, on October 7, 2011. The Unknown Republic / Natural Law - Steve Pratt
» 74.6 MiB - 6,018 hits
Steve Pratt lecture. January 8, 2010. Orem, UT. The Unknown Republic / Natural Law. How & Why to Study History / Sovereignty - Steve Pratt
» 60.7 MiB - 5,708 hits
Steve Pratt lecture. Orem, UT. November 29, 2009. How& Why to Study History. Federalist, Anti-Federalist and that Troublesome Word Sovereignty. Isaiah, the Book of Mormon and America in the Last Days
» 57.4 MiB - 12,940 hits
This is an audio recording of a lecture given by Mark C. Peterson in November 2009. He spoke about what's prophesied in Isaiah, the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Revelation regarding America. Some of the topics covered are: Government, Secret Combinations, Destiny of America, US Constitution, the Church, the Cleansing of America, Follow the Prophet. Instant Insanity Drugs
» 19.2 MiB - 6,155 hits
by W. Cleon Skousen. Steven Jones 911 Lecture
» 22.1 MiB - 4,610 hits
29 June 2007. Former BYU Professor, Dr. Steve Jones, presents his research of the events of September 11, 2001. Stephen Pratt Know Your Liberty Lecture
» 43.1 MiB - 3,606 hits
7 April 2007. The LDS Church and the Constitution
» 42.5 MiB - 3,990 hits
by Scott N. Bradley. 26 January 2006. SLC, UT. Scott Bradley Constitution Lecture
» 36.1 MiB - 3,481 hits
23 March 2006. SLC, UT. Chuck Baldwin Speech
» 37.8 MiB - 3,542 hits
Speech on freedom given in Utah by Jim Noorlander and Chuck Baldwin. The True History of America
» 15.5 MiB - 4,050 hits
by Ken Bowers. Awakening to Our Awful Situation Lecture 1
» 37.1 MiB - 5,329 hits
by Jack Monnett, Joel Skousen and Steve Jones. June 2007. Orem, UT. Secret Combinations. Awakening to Our Awful Situation Lecture 2
» 32.9 MiB - 4,941 hits
by Jack Monnett and Joel Skousen. 10 October 2007. Orem, UT. Secret Combinations. Intro to Secret Combinations
» 85.0 MiB - 5,234 hits
by Ken Bowers. 10 February 2006. The Book of Mormon and the Constitution
» 19.2 MiB - 3,883 hits
by Hans V. Andersen Jr. A presentation by the son of the late Elder H. Verlan Andersen.Other
The Perfect Law of Liberty - Marion G. Romney
» 10.2 MiB - 4,530 hits
A talk on the perfect law of Liberty, freedom of the soul, the highest form of freedom. "Obedience to the law of Christ is liberty." America 1776 to 1976
» 14.1 MiB - 7,779 hits
by Ernest Wilkinson. 1976. America's Fate and Ultimate Destiny
» 11.0 MiB - 4,809 hits
by Marion G. Romney. 1976. "Free agency has always had rough going, however. Over it the War in Heaven was fought. In the earth it has been abridged by almost all governments, civil and ecclesiastical. Apostate churchmen, kings, and other rulers have from the beginning arrogated judgment unto themselves. They have, contrary to God's law of liberty, preempted man's right, with or without his consent, to determine what would be best for them to do and by every means within their power have undertaken to force men to do their bidding." Socialism and the United Order - Marion G. Romney
» 11.0 MiB - 16,350 hits
by Marion G. Romney. 1966. "No, brethren, socialism is not the United Order. However, notwithstanding my abhorrence of it, I am persuaded that socialism is the wave of the present and of the foreseeable future. It has already taken over or is contending for control in most nations." Two Contending Forces
» 12.9 MiB - 6,591 hits
by David O. McKay. "There are two contending Forces. Those forces are known and have been designated by different terms throughout the ages. In the beginning they were known as Satan on the one hand, and Christ on the other. In these days, they are called "domination by the state," on one hand, "personal liberty," on the other." O America, America
» 16.0 MiB - 3,698 hits
by Mark E. Petersen. The Constitution - J. Reuben Clark Jr.
» 8.5 MiB - 4,685 hits
by J. Reuben Clark, Jr. "In broad outline the Lord has declared through our Constitution his form for human government. Our own prophets have declared in our day the responsibility of the Elders of Zion in the preservation of the Constitution. We cannot, guiltless, escape that responsibility. We cannot be laggards, nor can we be deserters." Preemptive War
» 1.8 MiB - 5,385 hits
by Hugh Nibley. He quotes Doctrines and teachings of the Book of Mormon that clearly clash with the preemptive war policy of the United States. An Angel from on High
» 8.8 MiB - 3,723 hits
by Gordon B. Hinckley. "Its narrative is a chronicle of nations long since gone. But in its descriptions of the problems of today's society, it is as current as the morning newspaper and much more definitive, inspired, and inspiring concerning the solutions of those problems."YouTube - davidkat99
Remember the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS
» 84.7 MiB - 3,871 hits
We live in a day when it is more politically correct to say Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings instead of Merry Christmas. I created this video to share with friends and family. The song I used comes from the website Music and lyrics by Stephen Jones with the vocals by Jenny Jordan Frogley and David Osmond. I hope that my video only enhances the message they created in 2008. I take no credit.. only in trying to bring more people to remember the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS. davidkat99 - Wishing you a Happy New Year in 2011
» 42.4 MiB - 3,626 hits
a video last year for 2010 with similar text. This new video uses photographs from my family and wanted to send out to friends and family davidkat99 - A Simple Testimony of Jesus Christ
» 60.9 MiB - 3,913 hits
We would do well to stop, reflect and contemplate the reason why we celebrate these holidays... Jesus Christ. davidkat99 - One Way Out: An Invitation to America
» 179.0 MiB - 4,096 hits
If you love Freedom and are concerned about America. There is a Solution. Its not political and its not economic. The solution is spiritual. We invite the viewer to consider the truth within. davidkat99 - May you have... 2010
» 43.8 MiB - 2,961 hits
MAY YOU HAVE.... enough faith, hope, peace and light. davidkat99 - My Heavenly Father Loves Me
» 61.3 MiB - 2,731 hits
I have felt for some time that I needed to create and dedicate a video to my daughters. davidkat99 - The Power of Words
» 74.0 MiB - 2,696 hits
50 words that lift, motivate, and inspire from a LDS Mormon view davidkat99 - We live in the Days just as the time of Noah
» 75.8 MiB - 7,511 hits
LDS Mormon Prophets and Leaders warn and prepare us. by davidkat99 - Great Trials Lie Ahead
» 96.1 MiB - 7,967 hits
Be prepared for Tribulations and destruction that soon shall be. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - LDS View of War
» 137.2 MiB - 6,125 hits
Why We Go To War - by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - Zion: Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth
» 83.1 MiB - 5,052 hits
Zion: Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth. LDS Mormon Leaders Prepare us for the Future. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - Prayer: Insights from an Apostle of the Lord.
» 54.9 MiB - 4,780 hits
Prayer: Insights from an LDS Mormon Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - Protect Marriage and Family
» 45.1 MiB - 4,574 hits
LDS Apostle protect marriage and family. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - LDS Leaders warn us and encourage us to fortify our homes
» 126.5 MiB - 3,608 hits
LDS Leaders warn us and encourage us to fortify our homes. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - LDS Prophets warn us of the dangers facing America
» 86.4 MiB - 3,775 hits
LDS Prophets warn us of the dangers facing America. by davidkat99 - Preparing us for the 2nd Coming of Christ
» 81.7 MiB - 4,139 hits
LDS Church Leaders preparing us for the 2nd Coming of Christ. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - Study the LDS view of the Constitution
» 129.6 MiB - 3,120 hits
Study the LDS view of the Constitution. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - We are all Children of our Father in Heaven
» 91.9 MiB - 5,110 hits
We are all Children of our Father in Heaven. Christ is the way back to Him. by davidkat99 - davidkat99 - The Book of Mormon reveals truth about today's problems
» 166.3 MiB - 3,303 hits
The LDS Book of Mormon reveals truth about today's problems. by davidkat99 - The 5000 year leap - davidkat99
» 71.6 MiB - 3,965 hits
The 5000 year leap: Principles of Freedom inspired by our Founding Fathers. by davidkat99 -