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Displaying 1 to 20 of 20 files.

YouTube - davidkat99

Remember the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS download  Remember the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS
» 84.7 MiB - 3,860 hits
We live in a day when it is more politically correct to say Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings instead of Merry Christmas. I created this video to share with friends and family. The song I used comes from the website Music and lyrics by Stephen Jones with the vocals by Jenny Jordan Frogley and David Osmond. I hope that my video only enhances the message they created in 2008. I take no credit.. only in trying to bring more people to remember the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS.

davidkat99 - Wishing you a Happy New Year in 2011 download  davidkat99 - Wishing you a Happy New Year in 2011
» 42.4 MiB - 3,616 hits
a video last year for 2010 with similar text. This new video uses photographs from my family and wanted to send out to friends and family

davidkat99 - A Simple Testimony of Jesus Christ download  davidkat99 - A Simple Testimony of Jesus Christ
» 60.9 MiB - 3,901 hits
We would do well to stop, reflect and contemplate the reason why we celebrate these holidays... Jesus Christ.

davidkat99 - One Way Out: An Invitation to America download  davidkat99 - One Way Out: An Invitation to America
» 179.0 MiB - 4,084 hits
If you love Freedom and are concerned about America. There is a Solution. Its not political and its not economic. The solution is spiritual. We invite the viewer to consider the truth within.

davidkat99 - May you have... 2010 download  davidkat99 - May you have... 2010
» 43.8 MiB - 2,949 hits
MAY YOU HAVE.... enough faith, hope, peace and light.

davidkat99 - My Heavenly Father Loves Me download  davidkat99 - My Heavenly Father Loves Me
» 61.3 MiB - 2,723 hits
I have felt for some time that I needed to create and dedicate a video to my daughters.

davidkat99 - The Power of Words download  davidkat99 - The Power of Words
» 74.0 MiB - 2,685 hits
50 words that lift, motivate, and inspire from a LDS Mormon view

davidkat99 - We live in the Days just as the time of Noah download  davidkat99 - We live in the Days just as the time of Noah
» 75.8 MiB - 7,498 hits
LDS Mormon Prophets and Leaders warn and prepare us. by

davidkat99 - Great Trials Lie Ahead download  davidkat99 - Great Trials Lie Ahead
» 96.1 MiB - 7,957 hits
Be prepared for Tribulations and destruction that soon shall be. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - LDS View of War download  davidkat99 - LDS View of War
» 137.2 MiB - 6,116 hits
Why We Go To War - by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - Zion: Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth download  davidkat99 - Zion: Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth
» 83.1 MiB - 5,044 hits
Zion: Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth. LDS Mormon Leaders Prepare us for the Future. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - Prayer: Insights from an Apostle of the Lord. download  davidkat99 - Prayer: Insights from an Apostle of the Lord.
» 54.9 MiB - 4,772 hits
Prayer: Insights from an LDS Mormon Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - Protect Marriage and Family download  davidkat99 - Protect Marriage and Family
» 45.1 MiB - 4,564 hits
LDS Apostle protect marriage and family. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - LDS Leaders warn us and encourage us to fortify our homes download  davidkat99 - LDS Leaders warn us and encourage us to fortify our homes
» 126.5 MiB - 3,597 hits
LDS Leaders warn us and encourage us to fortify our homes. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - LDS Prophets warn us of the dangers facing America download  davidkat99 - LDS Prophets warn us of the dangers facing America
» 86.4 MiB - 3,766 hits
LDS Prophets warn us of the dangers facing America. by davidkat99 -

Preparing us for the 2nd Coming of Christ download  Preparing us for the 2nd Coming of Christ
» 81.7 MiB - 4,130 hits
LDS Church Leaders preparing us for the 2nd Coming of Christ. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - Study the LDS view of the Constitution download  davidkat99 - Study the LDS view of the Constitution
» 129.6 MiB - 3,112 hits
Study the LDS view of the Constitution. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - We are all Children of our Father in Heaven download  davidkat99 - We are all Children of our Father in Heaven
» 91.9 MiB - 5,101 hits
We are all Children of our Father in Heaven. Christ is the way back to Him. by davidkat99 -

davidkat99 - The Book of Mormon reveals truth about today's problems download  davidkat99 - The Book of Mormon reveals truth about today's problems
» 166.3 MiB - 3,295 hits
The LDS Book of Mormon reveals truth about today's problems. by davidkat99 -

The 5000 year leap - davidkat99 download  The 5000 year leap - davidkat99
» 71.6 MiB - 3,954 hits
The 5000 year leap: Principles of Freedom inspired by our Founding Fathers. by davidkat99 -

There are 20 files, weighing 1.8 GiB with 86,724 hits in YouTube - davidkat99.