What Are You Doing About It?

There is no denying that we have a god-given civic responsibility; a duty to stand up for Freedom. For the deniers, if there be any, I could reference countless times that the scriptures and prophets have taught such a thing but for the sake of brevity I’ll only point you to a few:

Now the question is “what are you doing about it?

I believe it’s also important to stop and consider our chain of stewardship as mentioned by Brent Larsen in his blog post on “A Christ Centered Relationship“. In a nutshell our stewardship chain is (1) yourself, (2) spouse, (3) children, (4) community. Along with fulfilling our civic duties we must make sure to give focus to our other important responsibilities as well. In reality we can’t neglect one or the other, it’s all encompassing if we truly wish to enjoy Liberty.

How are you fulfilling your civic duty?

I believe that this a multiple choice question with many correct answers. Here is just a small list of the possible ways you could be fulfilling your civic duty:

  • Educate yourself on the principles of Liberty and good government (D&C 88)
  • Educate others (“warn your neighbor“)
  • Vote for good, honest, and wise men who you believe will act in accordance with just and holy principles
  • Communicate with your elected representatives to let them know how you feel about various issues.
  • Become a delegate or get involved in other ways in the political process.
  • Run for public office (city council, mayor, legislator, senator, etc.)

Ezra Taft Benson stated in General Conference, October 1987, “As citizens of this republic, we cannot do our duty and be idle spectators.”

Again, there is not one right answer, there are many. My recommendation is that you take your questions to the Lord, regarding what you should do about these things, and seek to discover His will for you. We each have different skills, expertise, knowledge and abilities and can be effective in different ways. The path for one person may be different for another. It’s up to each of us to discover what the Lord has called us to do. Once you have your answer, act on it.

By , On .

One Response to “What Are You Doing About It?”

  • Avatar for Blog MIGHTY CUBANO Says:

    It is a sad, sad thing as to how we keep on following the pied pipers of a government that is bent on distroying the God given Constitution of the once United States of America. Like sheeps to the slaughter

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