The Lost Tribes & The Book of Mormon

Given on Feb 28, 2014 by JC Bollers. Now updated with the slides from the presentation (thanks to Shiloh of Video production by

This presentation discusses the Lost Tribes of Israel and the Book of Mormon; explores where they went; evidences from the scriptures and DNA / RNA, as well as the connections and similarities to the Pashtun Afghan people.

The Biblical Map leads to: A country named after an Israelite. An Israelite ruling family. Tribes with Israelite Names. Tribes with Israelite Traditions. Lands with Israelite ‘Billboards.’ Lands with external Israelite references. INDO-European DNA!?

Also discusses the Lamanites in the promised land (North America) and evidences of where and who they are.

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5 Responses to “The Lost Tribes & The Book of Mormon”

  • Avatar for LDSC Dawna Says:

    What about the fact that the brethren said that the Mexicans are Lamanites? I recall that very well decades ago when the work was strong in Mexico.

  • Avatar for LDSC R J Says:

    the lost 10 tribes went north and according to Joseph Smith–they were put an a orb formed from this earth–and John the Revelator is on that orb preparing them for their return–the Book of Mormon are Manasseh—decedent of Joseph of the ten tribes– who were sent form from Jerusalem to the Isles of the sea—RJ

  • Avatar for LDSC Spencer Bingham Says:

    The Lost Tribes lost to Judean record keepers are scattered throughout the earth. They are not on another planet. Or hiding somewhere scattered throughout the earth.

  • Avatar for LDSC Robert T. Says:

    @Dawna, The brethren have also said we have Lamanites in New Zealand, the South Pacific and Hawaii. Having Lamanites in Mexico doesn’t disqualify the North American Indian from also being Lamanites. Nor does it disqualify the North American Indians from originating from the lands described by the Book of Mormon. Like the other tribes of Israel, the Nephites and Lamanites of Manasseh had over 2000 years to spread far and wide across the earth.

  • Avatar for LDSC Robert T. Says:

    I would also point out that the phrase “islands of the sea” didn’t have the same geographical precision among ancient writers that it has to the modern reader. That’s true of most ancient geographical descriptions. The phrase “islands of the sea” had reference to any land of any size that, as far as the writer understood, was only accessible through the sea.

    For example, at one time, the ancient Danish and Anglo Saxon writers described the lands of Scandinavia as “the islands of the sea” because they realistically could only be accessed by other European travellers through the sea.

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