The Fruits of Awakening

A friend of mine, Abe Day, recently published an article on, The 11th Commandment of the Book of Mormon. The article discusses the Book of Mormon warnings of Secret Combinations and the command to awaken to our awful situation. One of my favorite parts of the article is the list of the “fruits of the awakening”. Here’s an excerpt from the article

These are life changing awakenings. I’ve have seen miraculous personal changes from myself and the people who have awaken to these things. It creates a keen awareness that we really are in a battle for our ETERNAL souls. It pierces the veil of darkness that Satan put around the whole earth.

The fruits of this awakening are:

  • Having an intensely deepened testimony of the gospel and the Saviors plan of salvation.
  • A more fervent attendance to family duties, church callings, temple attendance, consistent home teaching and family home evening,
  • A magnified dislike for the evil influences on television.
  • Diligence in preparedness in both spiritual and temporal matters.
  • A more discerning ear and heart when listen to the Prophets and Apostles.
  • A much greater determination to following the council and admonitions our inspired leaders.
  • A desire to serve God more fully by developing and utilizing our talents to bring sheep to His fold with more zeal then ever before.
  • A call to our Civic duties as a part of our ultimate responsibility that Jesus Christ will hold us accountable for at Judgment Day.
  • An intensified willingness to protect, defend, and to proclaim the ‘Heavenly Banner’.
  • A burning desire to uphold all that is holy and good and to more intently fulfill the three fold mission of The Church seeking earnestly the eternal truths from Christ and his prophets.

Can you think of other fruits of the awakening? Perhaps things that you’ve experienced in your own life as a result of waking up?

By , On .

5 Responses to “The Fruits of Awakening”

  • Avatar for Blog TKC Says:

    In addition, for me, a keener awareness of the false doctrines being preached in schools, and an intensifying need to protect my children from indoctrination which I myself was subjected to in every school I ever attended, including my Liberal Arts classes at BYU.

  • Avatar for Blog Rachel Says:

    Yes, I agree with TKC. Sadly, I would add to that the false doctrines sometimes being preached in our church services, accompanied by the prompting to speak up at times and refrain at other times.

  • Avatar for Blog Guy Lexington Says:

    I have noticed this with members of my family. Its sooo great to see them “come to there senses”

    PS ADMIN you need to update. A lot of stuff has happened since youre last post

  • Avatar for Blog Georgia Hamblin Says:

    In all our understanding our faith must be rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ and the leaders of the Church. If we are lured into opposite positions as some would promote seeking to draw away members of the Church because of issues they feel the Church has not responded to according to their “wisdom” and “vision”. If we falter in our faith in the Brethren, our eternal salvation could stand in jeopardy. Let us be wise in our understanding and trust in the Lord and know that He is in charge and will not let the Church fail in it’s responsibility in preparing the earth for His Second Coming!
    We live in troubled times, it is true, but we must hold fast to our faith, be established in our hope, and study and come know and understand the gospel so well that our testimonies will not be shaken when the storms of doubt come! “Follow the Prophet, he knows the way…” Be true to the faith, and we will find peace, but not before the trials of our faith come…..! This is a great time to stand up for the Constitution of the United States of America; to be actively involved in defending our freedoms and liberties….knowing the outcome will be as the Lord promised! We must stand firm in our faith in this Country; it’s Founders, and those who seek now to save the Constitution. We must support those elected officials and candidates who are committed to sacrifice their all, even as our Founding Fathers, to preserve this Nation as One Nation under God!

  • Avatar for Blog MIKKEL MIKKELSON Says:

    i have been warned many years ago of the coming destruction which is upon us now. i first became a food storage sp in the stake i learned that we are in dire trouble and was warned of what would soon come upon us. i was told to store food. back then we were just starting on d.h. food goods. graines were the most we could hope for. so i stored grains and lots of them. i ask the lord what about fd can goods and got a very good answer and did so. each and every time i sat back and said ” enough, i have enough for my family” the still small voice spoke ” no my son more” would keep it up till i once again stored more. not knowing why i obeyed. now i know why. lager family and those around me who are dum and would reather buy toys and not prepepper at all.
    i was told to teach all i could. i did so with great desire tohelp those around me. 4 years ago i was told to stop. that it is all but too late for those who do not get ready. so i did. i may have placed myself as a target for those around me who wish to shair what i have. but it is too late for them. the rise of food shortly to come upon us will destroy this country and if you have not prepaired by now get the heck bussey. dont delay. time is so very very short. for the love of god , your family, and those you lovc. GET READY TIME IS SO VERY SHORT.

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