The “Missing Chapter” from Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson
The “missing chapter” from The Teachings of President Ezra Taft Benson. It highlights his teachings on the principles of freedom, Liberty, the proper role of government, and the dangers which we face in this nation and the world (including Secret Combinations). Click here if you’d like to watch this video without the background music.
I am glad this website is available. I am very concerned that the church current leadership has been derailed and is following the direction of the one world order. It is so sad ….I never thought I would see the deception from the top. Many are called but few are chosen and I guess that includes leaders in the church. The Lord is no respecter of persons….we are all brothers and sisters no matter what are journey or call in this life. Mandates are totally against free agency….so much deception today. The Lord knows all that is going on and is aware…May we each be in tune that we may save this nation.
I agree with Elizabeth. I have tried to get the Bishop in our ward to put up a flag on the property. The pole has to be a certain height, so many feet in the ground, blah, blah, blah!
Excuses. Last Fourth of July they forgot to play patriotic hymns! I was going to give a discussion on “The Book of Mormon and Liberty” they dismissed it after I had it ready the day before on a Saturday.
Here is a quote from Ezra Taft Benson “ I find certain elements in the church do not like to see The Book of Mormon and D&C so much, it has too much to say about freedom.”
I am an advocate of Ezra Taft Benson. He was a true patriot. I also sustain president Nelson because everything has it’s time and place. Ezra Taft Benson would not have been able to get a temple built in Shanghai but president Nelson did. China will open up through diplomacy not war. The real gadianton robbers we need to be mindful of is the CIA.