LDS Cannery Employees Raid Federal Agency!

Originally published on The Mormon Chronicle

Or, wait, was it “Federal Agents Raid LDS Cannery!“? Actually, I’m not going to perpetuate the recent viral story that’s been making the rounds online and via email. The alleged “raid” on a Tennessee LDS (Mormon) Food Cannery, in which Federal agents demanded their customer list, might not actually have happened, but maybe it did. The story hasn’t been officially verified and the original informant cited by the Oath Keepers website, where the story was originally published, has now recanted his story.

Breaking News: LDS Cannery Employees Raid Federal Agency

Perhaps the federal agents went back with the neutralizer pen and flashed the people at the cannery.

There are confirmed reports of door-to-door assessments of disaster preparedness in Tennessee, which has some people concerned.

Meanwhile, those of us who do have food storage (as we’ve been counseled to do for decades by latter-day prophets), especially if you are a liberty-minded constitutionalists, are now even more likely to be labeled domestic terrorists thanks to actual federal laws. Some of us have a year or more of food storage, yet having just 7-days worth of food is enough to find yourself on the list of suspects. Don’t believe me? Get the facts from Senator Rand Paul and Judge Napolitano:

Considering the corruption of the federal government and the reality of secret combinations, I wouldn’t be surprised if the story of federal agents demanding the LDS Cannery customer list is true. Far worse has been done on behalf of the United States government, on several occassions, including the murdering of millions of innocents.

Many of the freedoms once available in America have been destroyed. If the Constitution exists at all today for sure it is hanging by a thread. Prophets have warned us for centuries, unfortunately not enough have listened, and less have acted upon those warnings.

Things like this make me even more grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the liberty and joy that comes as a result of learning and living the truth. When considered in the eternal perspective many of these political issues seem silly, but one thing I know for sure is that it does matter what side we stand on. I’m not talking about what political party we side with, but what political principles we support. It does matter that we stand up for freedom and truth in whatever way that we can. It might be too late for the elders of Israel to save the Constitution but it’s not too late to save your soul, and hopefully others.

Additional reading:

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4 Responses to “LDS Cannery Employees Raid Federal Agency!”

  • Avatar for Blog B.Nicholson Says:

    It seems many are willing to pass on unverified stories. Oathkeepers have been embarrassed and promise to never air such again without audio and video files to support them. The LDS Newsroom has offically said there was no raid. I can’t for a moment even think the gov’t stupid enough to attempt such at this time and give any sympathy to Romney. So I say let sleeping dogs keep quite and stop talking about it. We will and have, much to work on without time spent on gossip. Let’s work now to contact our Congress and let them know we don’t like National Defense Authorization Act, this is real as you state above and we had better get busy opposing it, while we can.

  • Avatar for Blog John Says:

    This is definitely an interesting twist on that story. I like your reference to Men in Black and especially your ending.

  • Avatar for Blog Laurie Says:

    I am afraid that many of our church members are so UNinformed and hypnotized by mainstream media disinformation and perceptions that they would reject any mention of actual wrong-doing by “the authorities” as being a “conspiracy theory”. Some would even consider the account of the war in heaven and existence of Satan as a “conspiracy theory”. I can understand people who are NOT in the church not accepting the existence of “secret combinations” in our day, but I am shocked that members refuse to examine the evidence that justifies our concerns. They become part of the problem by not being vigilant in protecting our Constitution and our freedoms from being dismantled. I recommend this website to many members since recently discovering it so that they can educate themselves and join in the defense of liberty.

  • Avatar for Blog Gabby Jim Says:

    (“Study it out – – – ” Doctrine and Covenants | Section 9:8 – 7) – I am using a borrowed StraightTalk hot spot, so cannot spend the data to find the link – but the Federal Government has their own disaster preparedness web page where they encourage citizens to be prepared. That kind of makes nonsense of the “conspiracy theory” that people who are prepared might be labeled as suspects of terrorism.

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