Introducing The Mormon Chronicle!

The Mormon ChronicleI’ve joined forces with others to create a new website, The Mormon Chronicle, which just launched:

The Mormon Chronicle is dedicated to promoting truth and correct principles based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a news and information outlet for all things Mormon. Though this is not an official outlet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we support its mission as Christ’s Church. The Mormon Chronicle debunks falsehoods from both the enemies of the Church as well as apologists, and it also slaughters sacred cows. The Mormon Chronicle is not responsible for anyone being offended by the truth.

Visit the site today:

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One Response to “Introducing The Mormon Chronicle!”

  • Avatar for Blog Floyd Humpherys Says:

    This is an excellent site. Maybe you can wake people up and get rid of their complacency. If LDS people weren’t so passive, there would still be prayer in schools and no abortions. Mormons are generally a bunch of cowards, unwilling to stand up for what they know to be right. How can we have an honest national government when our local leaders are Satan’s finest?

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